Cacti near the computer monitor, six reasons why I still don’t remove them

Hi all! Many homes have cacti among their indoor plants. They are mainly located near computer monitors. Why do they put them there? Many people are sure that they are capable of absorbing “radiation” from monitors; we’ll try to figure it out in the article whether this is true or whether there is some other specificity.

In the photo there is a cactus near the monitor of my home computer. In the photo there is a cactus near the monitor of my home computer.

I really love these plants. They are unpretentious and do not require any special care. You can not water them for a long time and nothing will happen to them. And they also have a certain beauty.

In the photo there are cacti located near the monitor of my home computer. In the photo there are cacti located near the monitor of my home computer.

I am from that category of people who place cacti near the computer monitor and this continues from year to year. Once upon a time, I don’t remember where, I read that they absorb radiation from monitors. So this idea stuck and cacti are always in close proximity. Later, I tried to find some scientific evidence for this fact, but I never found anything. Modern technology does not emit anything, so there is nothing to be afraid of. And regarding the absorption or delay of some kind of “radiation”, this is most likely just a myth.

In the photo there is a cactus near the monitor of my home computer. In the photo there is a cactus near the monitor of my home computer.

I will highlight several reasons why I still place cacti near my computer monitor:

  • First. They just look beautiful, they are pleasing to the eye. They create a small green corner among the mass of electronics located.
  • Second. They do not require special care. I often water them with the remains of unfinished, cooled tea; I read somewhere that this is a good recharge for them. It’s not a fertilizer, of course, but it certainly won’t do any harm. It’s trivial to go and pour water into a glass and pour it on, I forget, but tea helps out. From time to time you just have to transplant them into a larger pot.
  • Third. Protection from a cat who tries to climb on the table and walk around the keyboard, play with something, for example, throw the mouse onto the floor. I do not allow my pet to climb on tables, and at night the cacti serve as some protection against such encroachments. I have a Sphynx cat, and cactus spines are very effective against him.

This is the security guard This is the security guard

  • Fourth. Protection from the pranks of a young child, now he is two years old. It’s the same with a cat, only he doesn’t climb on the table, but he always has the desire to do mischief. Grab something, tap on the keyboard as hard as you can, draw on the monitor with a felt-tip pen. There are a lot of options, but cacti really scare him away, since he doesn’t want to prick himself on a cactus needle. After one such careless acquaintance, all desire to make fun of the computer disappeared.
  • Fifth. Cacti participate in the process of photosynthesis. They release oxygen, albeit a small fraction, but some of it is there. They do not have leaves; the stem performs the entire function. By the way, photosynthesis in cacti occurs at night, absorbing carbon dioxide, unlike most plants. There are no other plants close to my computer, so all the load falls on the cacti.
  • Sixth. The myth about the absorption of “radiation” cannot leave my head since childhood, let them stand and absorb something. Although there is no scientific evidence, let me have peace of mind.

Do you have cacti at home, near your computer monitors? Thank you all for your attention, subscribe to the channel , I will be grateful for “like” the article.

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