How much money did I spend on installing an acquiring terminal at a point of sale and what do I need to provide to the bank?

Hi all! When opening a retail outlet, you need to think about how the client will pay for the purchase of your goods or services. Cash is less and less often found in the buyer’s wallet; most funds are on bank cards. Accordingly, losing a buyer due to the inability to accept a non-cash payment method is highly undesirable. Acquiring exists to solve this problem.

I have been doing business since 2015, and currently have three retail outlets open. Acquiring terminals are installed at all of them; I never wanted to miss out on customers. Due to the recent opening of a new retail outlet, I had to go to the bank and make an application.

In the photo there is a terminal that was installed at the point of sale. In the photo there is a terminal that was installed at the point of sale

Previously, to install a terminal, it was necessary to open a bank account. Provide the originals of the constituent documents, lease/sublease agreement of the premises, from which the employee made a photocopy. I even had to certify copies, sign the application and affix a stamp.

And now, when I came to make an application for installation at a new point, I brought with me the originals and copies of all documents, but the bank employee did not need them. He explained to me that they are no longer required, and the application can be made from your personal account. No office visit required. But once I arrived, the employee filled out and accepted the application. I didn’t even have to sign anything, I confirmed it using the code sent to my phone number. I don’t know whether the application system is now as simplified as possible for all entrepreneurs or not. Perhaps the bank employee proceeded from the fact that similar terminals had been installed at other retail outlets for a long time and the agreement had already been concluded. They didn’t even tell me any terms of use; apparently they remained the same.

For accepting card payments, the bank takes its own commission. They also did not indicate any minimum turnover for accepting payments from clients.

Three days later, a specialist from the bank arrived, installed and configured the terminal. As a result of the entire procedure, I did not pay anything. Payment will only be a commission from receipt of card payments from clients, as well as a monthly fee for servicing the individual entrepreneur’s current account. For me it is 1000 rubles, not that much money. Of course, if you calculate the bank’s commission for the month from payments, a good amount comes up. The commission is about 2.2%. But I don’t lose clients, and I earn money from sales, even if it’s a few percent less. For me it’s not critical, the main thing is turnover.

In the photo there is a terminal that was installed at the point. In the photo there is a terminal that was installed at the point

Banks have different offers, conditions and acquiring commission amounts. Study in advance and choose the most advantageous offer for you. Thank you all for your attention, I will be grateful if you “like” the article. Subscribe to the channel so as not to miss new publications that appear steadily.

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