I wanted to connect the Internet to a retail outlet, but the price of connection really surprised me

Hi all! Half a year ago I changed my place of permanent residence, moved from a small town in the Vladimir region to Krasnodar. After the move, I rested a little, collected my thoughts and opened a retail outlet at my new place of residence. There was a need for an Internet connection to connect a work computer and CCTV cameras.

I began to select operators providing these services. As it turned out in Krasnodar, this is a problem that depends on the cost of connection. Upon arrival in the city, when I decided on my place of residence, I connected the Internet in a private house. There is a separate article on the channel, then I paid 7,200 rubles . If anyone is interested, you can read why this happened. Now I’ll tell you what happened with the connection to the retail outlet.

I understand that the cost and connection tariffs for retail outlets and legal entities are higher. But I didn’t think it was that much. For example, at my old place of residence, I paid 1,000 rubles for each connection to my two retail outlets .

To understand, I opened a retail outlet in the central district of Krasnodar, on Kommunarov Street. Geographically, it is near Krasnaya Street, which is one of the main attractions and the main street of the city.

Screenshot from Yandex.Maps to understand the location of the street where I opened a retail outlet in Krasnodar Screenshot from Yandex.Maps to understand the location of the street where I opened a retail outlet in Krasnodar

I called Rostelecom and left a request for connections. Over the phone, they told me the cost of connection was 2,000 rubles, and the monthly tariff was 2,500 rubles. As usual, on some of the most profitable promotions. All equipment is provided by the company, which is included in the total cost of the tariff. I agreed to this proposal, they explained to me that they would check the technical capabilities of the connection and forward the application to specialists. I need to wait a couple of days and they will call me and agree on a connection time.

Two days later, they called me and brought me interesting information that the cost of connecting my point would be 23,000 rubles . I was very surprised by this price and asked to explain its origin. To which I was told that to your point it is necessary to “stretch a cable 180 meters long through the hatches.” I did not agree to this offer, explaining that the price was completely inadequate and refused to connect. A couple of hours later I received a call from a man who introduced himself as a Rostelecom engineer and explained that he had my application under consideration. I said that I canceled the application because the connection cost was 23,000 rubles, which did not suit me at all. This man was surprised and said that he had not even calculated anything yet, and he did not know where such a price came from. I suggested that he check everything, decide on the cost and call me back. Well, as you can imagine, I’m still waiting for his call.

I don’t understand what it was. An attempt at deception or some kind of technical error, now it remains a mystery. Perhaps this is the norm for Krasnodar, but I’m not ready to pay that kind of money for an Internet connection; in the village it’s cheaper to connect to the Internet. And now I cannot connect the Internet to a retail outlet located in the center of the “capital of Kuban”. I will look for other companies and consider their offers. I’ve already done a little research on the Internet, so I think the connection will cost me around 7,000-10,000 rubles. Again, according to the information on the websites, there is no guarantee that they will not announce the price of 23,000 rubles to me.

Now I use my Redmi Note 9 PRO smartphone as a Wi-Fi access point. There is a review about this phone on the channel, if you are interested you can read it.

This is how you can use your smartphone This is how you can use your smartphone

If anyone has anything to advise on this issue, write comments, I will be very grateful. Thank you all for your attention, I will be grateful for “like” the article, subscribe to the channel so as not to miss new publications of the channel.

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