Test: do you know everything about 775 socket, can you answer 10 questions

Hi all! Today I propose to take a test dedicated to the legendary socket 775. It’s hard to find a person who has not heard about the existence of this socket for installing a processor on a motherboard. Although what am I talking about, there are such people, but not many of them.

LGA 775 is still “alive” and is still successfully used in many organizations, houses and apartments. Over time, assemblies on this platform will not be able to meet modern requirements, but that time has not come yet. The channel has many interesting publications on this topic, subscribe to the channel and you will always be in the know. I have several retail outlets where we sell computer assemblies, including those on the 775 socket. On the channel I publish up-to-date information, confirmed by personal experience, on how to “boost” your old computer, you can always find it here.

Intel Corporation has been the market leader for a very long time, but now circumstances have changed and competition has increased. If you are going to purchase “modern hardware”, then it is worth studying the information on what to choose. For example, it used to be easier to make such a decision, but now, based on market prices and the final result, not everyone will decide to choose processors from Intel. It is difficult to argue with this fact.

Motherboard for socket 775 and processor, screen from the site 3dnews.ru Motherboard for socket 775 and processor, screen from the site 3dnews.ru

Let’s start the test. There are only 10 questions, one answer option and it is correct. For each correct answer you receive 1 point. At the end of the test you will be able to view the results. For those who are interested in all the correct answers, there is a video with commentary at the end of the article, you can watch it.