Test: how well do you know the history of Windows, can you answer 10 questions

Hi all! Today I propose to take a simple test for those who remember well the history of Microsoft operating systems. Someone will refresh their memory, someone will learn something new, I think it will be useful.

Windows is the most popular OS for personal computers. Initially, it was a graphical add-on program for the MS-DOS operating system, which dates back to the 80s. My acquaintance began with Windows XP, when my parents gave me my first computer on which it was installed. It was possible to get acquainted with earlier versions only superficially, if this can be called acquaintance. My father brought me to the company where he worked, sat me down at the computer and turned on some toy.

But I managed to work with Windows XP for a long time. Later there were 7, 8, and now I use Windows 10. I’m already used to it, I have no desire to switch to something else. And who uses what is everyone’s choice. The channel has many articles about different versions of Windows, where channel subscribers and just random visitors actively discuss the relevance of these systems. Come in, read, express your opinion.

Let’s start the test. There are only 10 questions, one answer option and it is correct. For each correct answer you receive 1 point. At the end of the test you will be able to view the results. For those who are interested in all the correct answers, there is a video at the end of the article that you can watch.