What games did you buy first in your life? I remember yours.

Hi all! Nowadays game discs are bought less and less often; it’s easier to buy a game license key on some site on the Internet and download it to your computer. And if you buy it on sale, it’s a great option. Previously, about 20 years ago, everything was different, you had to go to the store and buy a disc with the game.

The business of selling discs was then gaining momentum and there were plenty of outlets where toys were sold. “Piracy” flourished, and a license could also be purchased a little more expensive. Back then it didn’t really matter whether you had a pirate game or not, updates and patches for games were rarely released, it all started later.

I remembered the games I bought for the first time; they were on discs. I don’t really remember how much they cost, but I bought two at once . Then it was just the beginning of my acquaintance with the world of computer games. Purchased: “new world order” and “Postal 2”. The first one turned out to be a “no” game; I didn’t even complete the first mission and turned it off. But I really played Postal 2.

Screen from the site dimedia.ru Screen from the site dimedia.ru Gameplay “new world order”. screenshot from the site greatgamer.ru Gameplay “new world order”. screenshot from greatgamer.ru

Postal 2 was an interesting shooter at that time with a bit of humor. I went through it a couple of times for sure. The film based on this game was made by Uwe Boll, but it is outright trash, which I couldn’t even finish watching. And the game itself found a large audience.

Appearance of the game packaging from Akella, screen from the site playground.ru Appearance of the game packaging from Akella, screen from the site playground.ru Game process. screenshot from the site torrent-4igruha.ru Game process. screenshot from the site torrent-4igruha.ru

The third game was the purchase of TES “Morrowind”. I really fell in love with the RPG genre back then when I was able to borrow a few other toys on disk from friends, among which was Gothic. I already bought Morrowind consciously. And I still play, only the online version, TESO. There is a short review on the channel. The Elder Scrolls series of single-player games continues to exist today, delighting its fans with new parts. Many have played and are playing Skyrim, which is a very worthy game. There is information on the network about the development of the 6th part, which everyone will be eagerly awaiting.

Cover of the game TES Morrowind, screen from the site old-games.ru Cover of the game TES Morrowind, screen from the site old-games.ru Game TES Morrowind, screen from the site gamedeus.ru Game TES Morrowind, screen from the site gamedeus.ru

Then there were a lot of game discs, I collected small collections. And now, so much time has passed and I don’t even know where all these disks went. There is a separate article on the channel about how I earned money as a child to buy game disks for my computer.

Do you remember what were your first purchases of games on disc? Write in the comments for discussion. Thank you all for your attention, subscribe to the channel and like it.

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