What is the fate of outdated phones, where do they disappear, I found eight ways

Hi all! Almost every person has a mobile phone, progress is rapidly moving forward, new models are constantly being released that are becoming more and more productive. Where do the outdated models go, where are they all?

In the photo are old phones from my “stash” In the photo are old phones from my “stash”

I manage to change mobile phones every two years. I revealed the reason in another article , I recommend reading it for anyone interested. As for the topic of this article, I’ll tell you several options.

  • First option. Some cell phones are transferred after a certain period of use to grandparents or children, provided they are in normal operation. This can be said to be the final period of performance of gadgets, since they are simply “finished off”. Some are faster, some are slower, but the result is usually the same.
  • Second option. The other part of the phones is just lying around in people’s drawers at home. They are stored, unnecessarily, “until better times.” It gets to the point where a certain amount accumulates and they are simply put into one bag, which also “travels” from one box to another.
  • Third option. Some of the phones have been lost and their whereabouts are unknown. I am interested in instrumental searching for antiques; sometimes a metal detector detects interesting targets, the finds of which are cell phones. It’s not often, personally, in all my time, I found three pieces. They do not lie deep in the ground, almost on the surface. The search was carried out in the forest and fields. There are plenty of places where you can get lost. These gadgets can no longer be restored, and it is also impossible to eventually find the owner of the lost item. The effect of moisture is irreversible.
  • Fourth. Phones are old or not working, people simply throw them in the trash. Their further fate is unknown. Most likely they will be disposed of along with other waste.
  • Fifth. Some gadgets end up in workshops and are scattered into spare parts and components. Old and non-working phones serve as “donors” for others. Also, various flea markets on the Internet are full of offers for sales of spare parts.

In the photo there is a smartphone “for spare parts” In the photo there is a smartphone “for spare parts” In the photo there is a smartphone “for spare parts”

  • Sixth. Replenishment of collections, there is a percentage of the population who, as a hobby, collects and collects certain models and collections. I think that after some time this type of collecting will take its place. It’s already interesting to look at such collections.
  • Seventh option. Due to the end of manufacturer support and banal obsolescence, they are used as a “dialer”. The goals of all people are different, but this option has a place to be. Not everyone needs additional functions and capabilities of gadgets, the main thing is that you can make and receive an incoming call.

In the photo there are “dialers” In the photo there are “dialers”

  • Eighth option. Phones are scrapped. There are many people who make money by buying and selling scrap cell phone circuit boards. Prices vary depending on the regions and those who buy and accept this scrap. The average price is from 950 rubles per kilogram.

A screenshot from one of the websites of organizations that accept scrap phone boards; I won’t indicate where from, since I’m not advertising to anyone, just an example. A screenshot from one of the websites of organizations that accept scrap phone boards; I won’t indicate where from, since I’m not advertising to anyone, just an example.

The result is a list of ways, whoever wants to add or discuss, I’m waiting for comments on the article. Thank you all for your attention, subscribe to the channel , I will be grateful for “like” the article.

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