Windows 10 takes a long time to boot, despite the SSD drive

Hi all! An SSD drive is no longer something new and expensive, but completely affordable. Of course, if we talk about small containers, regarding the price. System performance increases noticeably after installing such a drive. I have the same one installed on my home computer.

When I was assembling a computer, I decided to save a little and bought a capacity of only 120 GB. I thought that it would be quite enough for the system and some programs; I used a regular HDD to store large files. I bought everything and assembled it, the computer simply “flyed”, the performance was on par. I quietly forgot everything and just started using the computer. A little more than half a year has passed…

SSD of my home computer SSD of my home computer

I began to notice that the boot time of the Windows 10 operating system has increased noticeably, reaching 1 minute. In games, the flight is normal, but as soon as you roll up the toy and open the browser, it starts to slow down. My assembly is not obsolete, I5-9400F processor and 16 GB. DDR-4, there shouldn’t be any problems. There were no overheating or problems.

Part of the characteristics of my home computer Part of the characteristics of my home computer

I discovered that the SSD was filled with all sorts of garbage, there were only 4 GB free. Such loading is not recommended for SSD drives, the reading speed decreases significantly. I tried to clean it in various ways, freeing up about 10 GB, but this was not enough. Moreover, there were no toys or large files on the SSD; system updates were blocked.

I’m tired of wasting time on all these cleanings, freeing up some more part of the drive’s memory. I decided to reinstall the system, it took less time. Now, as a result, everything “flies” again, toys and browsers work without glitches, the operating system loads in just a few seconds.

Now things are like this Now things are like this

But the problem is not solved, but only delayed; in half a year the garbage will be collected again. Now I’m thinking about buying a larger SSD drive. The capacity of 240 GB is quite affordable and can be purchased for an average of 2,500 rubles.

And the prices for something more voluminous “bite”. The most budget SSDs are 500 GB. can cost from 5,000 rubles, for 1 terabyte from 8,000 rubles. But with such a volume you will feel more comfortable.

If you are thinking about purchasing an SSD drive, do not take 120 GB, pay a little more, but take at least 240. If finances allow, then take a larger volume. You can buy everything cheaper, order it from China, but they may receive a terrible semblance of an SSD drive that will refuse to work after half a year. Certainly. This does not apply to everyone, depending on your luck, but there is no guarantee there.

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