Windows 8 repeated the fate of Windows Vista, but did not leave a bad impression

Hi all! Most personal computers now have Windows 10 installed, some are happy with it, some are not. There is a lot of talk about Windows XP and 7 now; many people still use them and are not going to change them, despite the lack of support and other factors. But Windows 8 somehow remained on the sidelines, just like Vista did in its time.

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In 2014 or 2015, I bought a laptop with Windows 8 pre-installed, then upgraded to 8.1. I used it quite a bit since I upgraded to 10. I remember that Windows 8 was not convenient, a lot of application tiles appeared, like on a tablet. At that point in time, my level of PC knowledge was at the user level and I could not evaluate it with a more professional look. Windows 8.1 was more convenient, the menu changed, it became familiar with Windows 7. Then I did not know about the existence of applications that could return the Start menu, like on 7. The desktop in 8.1 began to load as expected, and not through manipulations to launch from the start screen. For the most part, the visible changes in 8 and 8.1 affected the appearance of the interface.

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Windows 8 has proven itself on the positive side as a stable system, without leaving any bad impressions about itself. But it did not gain much popularity, just like Windows Vista. Only Vista left a lot of negative reviews. There is an article on the channel: “Why didn’t everyone like Windows Vista?”, where they discussed this issue, there are a lot of comments, read it, it will be interesting.

When Windows Vista appeared, computer hardware did not meet the needs of this system; there were problems with compatibility and drivers. This was the main reason Windows Vista failed. In the case of Windows 8, the computer hardware was suitable and no compatibility problems were observed. But still, this system did not work for users. Perhaps this was an unsuccessful attempt to port Windows to portable devices, we all remember such phones and tablets. This step did not make it popular; Android and iOS remained at the top. Why Windows 10 turned out to be more successful than Windows 8, write your opinion in the comments.

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I have a friend who is a computer repairman with over 20 years of experience. He now installs exclusively Windows 8.1 for his clients, but 10 makes him sick. He doesn’t perceive it at all and gives a bunch of reasons why it’s not worthy of installation. We used to argue for a long time when I tried to tell him that Windows 10 is a more modern system, but he remained unconvinced in his opinion.

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I am a supporter of 10, I have been using it for a long time and have no plans to roll back to other versions. Of course, it is everyone’s choice what to use. I have two repair shops, according to statistics, most clients come and ask to install Windows 10 instead of 8, they don’t like the design and that’s it. Complaints about stability are minimal.

Read more articles on the channel on the topic of Windows operating systems, it will be interesting:

It’s time to stop holding on to Windows XP

Do we need a new Windows?

Windows 10 takes a long time to boot, despite the SSD drive

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