Buy an iPhone “expensively” and forget, or buy an Android “for cheap” and suffer, is that so?

Hi all! For a long time now there has been a kind of confrontation between owners of iPhone gadgets and owners of smartphones running Android. This continues from year to year, some criticize iOS and the iPhone in general, others criticize Android and all gadgets based on this operating system.

Pictured are Redmi note 9 pro and iPhone 11 Pictured are Redmi note 9 pro and iPhone 11

My wife uses exclusively Apple products, including iPhones: 4s, 5s, 7, and now 11. I use Android phones. I managed to change a whole bunch of different ones.

I have a calm attitude towards the iPhone, perhaps I would buy it for myself, but there is a need to use two SIM cards. There is a separate article on this topic on the channel, read it if you are interested.

So what is better to buy now, a brand new and expensive iPhone or an Android smartphone that will cost three times less? Let’s compare based on several criteria.

The first thing worth noting is the price , the difference is noticeable. The price of top iPhone models now exceeds 100,000 rubles. A little later the price will go down, but a new model will come out and everything will return. A good Android smartphone can be purchased for 10-30,000 rubles and more. There are no budget options from the iPhone line.

The reliability and quality of the iPhone is statistically higher than other Android phone models. They are less likely to break down and fail. We do not take mechanical damage into account. Rechargeable batteries are more stabilized, the charge lasts longer, and the service life is longer. But this fact is also relative, much depends on the user and operating mode.

Productivity . Apple gadgets are more productive and that’s a fact. But there is a second side to the coin, is this performance necessary? Any modern Android smartphone with a price range of 10-30,000 rubles will easily cope with all the tasks assigned to it by the average user. And if you buy a more expensive flagship, then you can argue about performance.

Safety. IPhone gadgets are less susceptible to malware since iOS works with a closed file system. During my use of Android phones, I caught viruses and advertising banners a couple of times. The treatment was a factory reset. Installation of additional antivirus is required.

Appearance. There is not much difference, now all phones have a similar design. From the outside it’s hard to see what kind of phone a person has. It used to be different, phones were very different from each other. You see someone has a brand new model, you would like the same one, but now you don’t really have that desire.

Pictured are Redmi note 9 pro and iPhone 11 Pictured are Redmi note 9 pro and iPhone 11

Personalization. Android gives the user more options than iOS in terms of various settings, themes, design, and the like. The system itself is more open and versatile. There are many more applications for Android, many of which are free.

There are many other differences that are no less important, but I won’t bog down the article with comparisons that everyone already knows about.

What to choose is a personal decision for everyone . Those who buy an iPhone, in most cases, continue to buy these particular gadgets. They are not trying to switch to Android. And those who used Android continue to use them and are happy with everything. The terms of use are still reduced to two or three years, after which they go and buy a new one. My wife, no matter how she claims that after buying a new iPhone, will walk with it for a very long time, after two or three years she buys a new one. I do the same, but I take an Android phone. The service life is the same, the functionality is the same, only the amounts spent on the purchase differ.

In my opinion, now there is not much difference in what to buy, the differences are minimal. The iPhone is a good gadget for people who don’t want to configure anything on their phone; they bought it, inserted a SIM card, entered their ICloud username and password, and off they went. It is advisable to customize Android to improve functionality and performance for yourself.

In the photo Iphone 11 In the photo Iphone 11

If you buy a cheaper gadget on Android, you definitely won’t have to “suffer” with it, of course, unless you buy very budget Chinese models. I don’t perceive them at all as full-fledged smartphones. And trying to prove that this or that is better in our time is a pointless waste of time. What do you choose? Write in the comments for discussion.

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