How I earned money as a child to buy game discs for my computer

Hi all! Gone are the days when CDs with computer games were sold at every turn. Now there are very few stores left where you can buy discs. It’s easier and cheaper to buy a digital version of the game, I’m generally silent about pirated copies and downloading from torrents.

But before, everything was different. There were queues for game discs; I was a schoolboy and also ran around shopping. Only there was always no money, but I really wanted to buy it. There were a lot of pirated discs, and there was a license. There was no very noticeable difference then, but later the price tag for the license began to rise.

It was something like this…screen from the site It was something like this…screen from the site

I had to save money and look for work somewhere. My very first income was renting out books . My father read a lot, he was a fan of crime thrillers. Small books that could be read in a couple of days. There were a huge number of them in the garage, I took some of them. I took it to retail outlets where they sold such books. Sellers willingly took them from me at bargain prices and resold them. I don’t remember how much I sold these books, but one package was enough to buy a game disc. I handed over the books and ran to the store to get the CDs. But often it wasn’t possible to run like that; my father didn’t allow it.

Another type of income was saving . Parents gave money for trolleybus travel (before the advent of travel cards and adequate prices for them) and for lunch in the canteen. Somewhere it was possible to ride as a hare and save on lunch. This is how money was also accumulated, every week you could save up for some kind of toy.

The third type of income was the delivery of scrap non-ferrous metals . My friend and I walked around the local districts, collecting wire and some parts. Everything metal that was not magnetic was hauled to reception. We managed to collect enough money for us to buy goodies and game discs.

Screen from the site Screen from the site

This is how I had to earn money, and later I got a part-time job. He made paving slabs and took part in loading. But that’s another story, and the money then went not only to the purchase of computer games. How did you buy game discs as a child?

Subscribe to the channel , like it. Read the article on the channel: Do you remember what your very first computer was , for those who remember these times.

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