How much can you earn if you sell 1 kilogram of computer processors for scrap?

Hi all! While working in the workshop, all sorts of computer components constantly accumulate, including many processors. Such things are never thrown away, but are put aside separately. When a certain amount accumulates, we hand them over for recycling. In this article I’ll tell you how to rent as profitably as possible, how much money you can get and whether it’s profitable.

We often accumulate different numbers of old processors on different sockets, the bulk being 775, AM2/AM3. These processors are already obsolete, there’s not much to do with them. There is no point in putting them in assemblies. I do not include “xeon chips” on socket 771, four-core quads, as well as Intel Core 2 duo, with a frequency of 2.5 MHz or more, in this category. These processors will still serve. The same applies to processors from AMD. The rest of the single-core or dual-core processors with low operating frequencies, I just put them in a box.

Sometimes I put a small part up for sale, and clients come to the store who need them specifically. Recently a processor collector came and purchased some of the available stones. There is a separate article on the channel.

But still, processors are piling up and piling up. So we have to put it all somewhere. There is no desire to engage in experiments on melting or extracting some valuable materials from them. Just sell it as scrap at the best possible price.

Image of a bunch of processors, screenshot from the site Image of a bunch of processors, screenshot from the site

We collect everything in a heap, study the information to whom and where it can be donated. The main thing in this matter is not to go to any non-ferrous metal collection point, since they may offer you a very small amount, they will accept it as a kilogram of electronics boards, or they will give you a hundred rubles. It is important to contact a specialized point that accepts components specifically by category. This is where fixed prices are set, which are not comparable with prices in regular acceptances. There is also a nuance: not every locality has such specialized centers. Then you will have to look for “outbids”, or go to another larger settlement.

As for pricing policy, let’s consider the sale of the most common processors. The price starts from 300 rubles per 1 kilogram. By the way, if you donate processors from laptops, the price is several times higher, but they also weigh less. I do not recommend this method as a way to make money. You can earn something extra, provided you can find that amount. It is profitable to sell processors if you buy broken assembled system units from the population, disassemble and hand over all the components separately. And there must be a certain turnover.

Screenshot from one of the websites of organizations that accept computer scrap; I won’t indicate where from, since I’m not advertising to anyone. Where to take it is up to you to choose. Screenshot from one of the websites of organizations that accept computer scrap; I won’t indicate where from, since I’m not advertising to anyone. Where to take it is up to you to choose.

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read the articles on the channel:

How much can you earn if you sell 1 kilogram of computer RAM for scrap?

I met a collector of computer processors, it turns out there are some like that too

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