I allocated 5,000 rubles for the purchase of a used one.

The photo shows just laptops from archival photos. The photo shows just laptops from archival photos.

Hi all! It’s 2021 and prices for computer equipment have gone up. At the end of 2020, this increase was understandable, due to the increased purchasing power before the New Year holidays. But the holidays are over, January is ending, and prices are only rising. The most interesting thing is that this applies not only to new equipment, but also to used ones. In the article I would like to discuss this issue, since there is a need to purchase a working used one. laptop.

I allocated 5,000 rubles to purchase such a laptop. I’ll tell you why exactly this amount a little later. What is required of him is: decent appearance, stable office work, surfing the Internet, support for working under Windows 10. I do not consider options for “typewriters” running on Windows XP. Just a year ago there were no problems buying such a laptop. For 5,000 rubles I bought good laptops with 2nd or 3rd generation Intel i5 processors. I stayed within the budget of 5,000 rubles, and there were proposals. For this reason, I decided that even now I could buy something like this for 5,000 rubles.

The photo shows just laptops from archival photos. The photo shows just laptops from archival photos.

As always, I opened the Avito platform and began to look for options. After scrolling through a bunch of pages with offers, I didn’t find anything. There are many offers for the sale of netbooks, prices from 2000 to 5000 rubles. I don’t consider this technique at all, since I consider them useless for the functionality I require. And for prices of 3000-5000 rubles, people sell those same typewriters running on Windows XP. I don’t understand where such prices come from when a person sells a laptop with a single-core processor and 512 MB of RAM, and also writes that there is no hard drive or charger. I’m generally silent about the appearance, the case is cracked, the matrix cover fastenings are broken. And there are a lot of such offers, I don’t know if anyone buys such laptops. There are also a huge number of offers from various stores selling laptops for spare parts. If you calculate the total amount of such a purchase, the laptop becomes “golden”.

The photo shows just laptops from archival photos. The photo shows just laptops from archival photos.

And what I want now costs 10,000 rubles and more. It turns out that the hardware gets old and automatically becomes more expensive. It seems that the price is rising for collectors for these rarities. I understand that profitable options “slip through” in the advertisements, but gentlemen “outbidders” monitor all sites around the clock. Here you either join them, sit and wait, and when something appears, fly at all times to buy it, hoping to be in time. Or prepare a larger amount and overpay for outdated equipment.

Write in the comments how things are in your localities. I live in Krasnodar, so I gave an example about it. Thank you all for your attention, thanks to the author – “like” the article. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so as not to miss new publications.

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